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Curiosity Did Not Kill The Cat (or the dog!)
We all experience hard times, self-doubt and lack motivation when the humdrum of our status quo stagnates growth. Â It's time to forgo fears.

Temporarily Broken, Tips to Heal the Heart.
When you are drowning in a sea of hurt, the key is knowing when to grab the buoy being thrown by others who want you to take the lifeline.

Romance, a Notion for Dreamers.
Romance - it spills off pages and floods our screens, yet it seems devoid in reality. Or it that just my perception?

Pay Attention Self, The Clock is Ticking
My Granny used to say the years go faster the older you get. I didn’t really know what she meant until recently.

Say Goodbye to Energy Thieves
Have you ever spent time with someone and when you walk away you feel completely depleted of any of the vitality you started out with?

"Better Out Than In, Why We Shouldn't Suppress the Sobs"
It takes sitting in discomfort to find clarity. It takes being vulnerable to be open to change.

Don't Interrupt, I'm Talking to Myself
Advice – it comes in all forms, typically by the bucket load when you didn’t even ask for any. Or maybe you did ask, but the response was...

Believe in the Magic of Menopause
Believe in the Magic of Menopause

Authentically Yours
Art in its many forms is subjective to the eye of the beholder. Like finding friends or a lover, what draws each of us in, is personal.

Message in a Bottle
Thoughts: we say them, we think them, we action them and for one reason or another, so often we do nothing with them. They can come and go l

The Power of Collaboration
As artists most of us hide away as we work. Some (like me) thrive in mess, while others create in meticulous spaces. Regardless of our...

Can You Embody A Memory?
Last Sunday morning was a lazy affair for me. I just returned from my annual pilgrimage to my Scottish homeland, (albeit this one was...

The Joy of Distractions
Distractions, they are everywhere. I want to paint, but the dishes are spilling out of the sink. I want to paint but the dog needs to be
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